Friday, July 30, 2010

Mild Reversal Of The Normal Cervical Lordosis.


After spending which will be my first days on the beach, having back in my beloved Spain, few but well used, the long days of sun and sand, infinite baths of naps caressed by sea breezes, the straws and caps, the mojitos and good company ......... I present to you .... which have undoubtedly been my essentials. Oil

i : Definitely a staple every summer in my beach bag, its wonderful smell and tissue hydration and the effect it has on my skin makes year after year after my shower I soak it.

FRUIT: Fundamental always carry a piece of fruit in summer the range is much greater and I love fruit this season and due to high temperatures is what I fancy to quench your thirst and apetito.Ademas to be a very healthy way of eating.

POTION 9: This solar hair spray makes my hair stay healthy and always shine as an intense day in the sun and it dries hard and bathrooms is the way I hydrate besides when you get home smeared mask to counteract the negative effects of the sun.
HAT: Whether Panama, pamela cap or that you use no matter what I use the Panama for me is more comfortable and thus protect my face from the sun's harmful effects while my head, which is essential to cope with the intense heat that is doing this year to avoid spots and headaches.

MONO: This summer I've become fan of monkeys, I love chilly so comfortable and also lets you leave the beach snack bar to eat or drink a beer in addition to comfortable wearing something I can not stand are the pairings ............ I'm from dresses, caftans and monkeys.

BAG AND BEACH TOWEL: Essential ............ becomes my ally once I get to the beach and not separate myself from them a single day.

: The bathing suit in my case is the true marvels bikini but in swimsuits and triquinis (for whom his body will allow). In keeping with my color skin tone is certainly more squeezed from the garment .......... and this yellow summer highlights even more the golden hue of my skin. SUNGLASSES: To protect from the sun and prevent wrinkles and expression lines, and to protect our eyes from the intense sun.

SANDALS: But not one either, I like these because they are very special and comfortable and allow you to be accompanied by my black monkey of even to shoping after the day on the beach and go ideal.Me accompany even with my jeans a t-shirt are very comfortable and beautiful.

SUNSCREEN: Of course, fundamental to all hours, in my case the entire screen throughout the year, the sun is very bad in recent years and can stop using pay all life ............ yet we are not free of the odious spots.

Avene Thermal Water: This tb with me all year, in my purse or beach bag is very important for me to refresh your skin with the mist of this water, perfect at any time and essential.

WATER: Fundamental to withstand the long days of heat, both external and internal hydration is essential and it is best to bring a bottle of water always on top to prevent dehydration due to high temperaturas.Y the most important of all my essentials .............

which are your essential? There is something without what you can not leave the house?


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