Friday, November 28, 2008

Basic Diagram Of A Telescope


really cost me a lot back to the rhythm of posting, of course I thank everyone who wrote me and care about me. I'm fine but a bit tired and I could not get over the move and many other personal issues.
But also worth explaining some events that I fell a little moral blogger, the first event that disturbed me was finding out through a friend who frequents my site that someone had copied photos from my work and was selling as its own ... Fortunately, with the help of wonderful people (and there are also lucky in a number greater than other people!) managed to restore the situation and to erase my work. And the second theme was that despite the fatigue and my problems involved the latter time of exchanges in which all came to nothing despite the fact that I care and send my gifts as it should in a timely manner.
Either way I still here and still working around a bit. So, in honor of these good people I've known and deeply appreciate here is that I keep wanting to keep sharing and having fun every day.

This exchange belongs to last November's "Angels" and went to Aldine (Italy)

2 angels send you a fact and a technique I love amigurumi and love it Aldine prepare it for a Christmas wreath for the door, a patchwork pin cushion, needles and country paintings.

In the new collection of work I am learning to show them a wallet patchwork with appliqué

A turkey supports



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