blog recently had a bit abandoned due to a new life just started, and after many preparations, and other paperwork I fully installed in Brussels and very contenta.Aunque I must admit that today is a splendid sun usually this is very rare here because it always rains and cloudy, that side I chose a bad time of year relocating but was not in my hand, the gigs is the gigs, you know.
Ultimately I come back to be flush with everything including the blog, and yet all of you and from here to inform you of all new novedadesy Belgian lifestyle and fashion in this country.
the weekend I go to Paris ............. I am very happy as it is very close and I think my trips to the city of fashion for excellence will more than habituales.A plane hit I'm anywhere at any time.The of airports is more than usual in me, though I must admit that every day they get more drives in the rules.
I hope you enjoy the sun in Spain since the winter we've been through what I needed was 10 degrees again ................. but anyway. I'll run away in July to my beloved Spain to enjoy the small beach, the straws, fried fish in the South and North pintxos.
do you think of this radical change of life?