Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soul Silver Aptch For Mac

These are my two allies this spring season, not to mention that if jade green and black of course and sometimes the rouge timeless and of course that I have half forgotten the rouge noir, is that this winter I get the green jade devastating and definitely in a winter so cold and hard this splash of color made me forget the rest and now the nude and taupe tones and soon come three new colors a fuchsia, nude pink and turquoise for the summer edition I'm waiting.
And you have fallen rendered by Mr. Karl mandates or not?. Anyone know where I will go on sale chanel pop ups?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Funeral Untucked Shirt


as hear it for the lack of one I have two, red and nude I must admit that red dress is gorgeous but the nude is also a maravilla.Lo confess I am very happy and with good reason but I have red dress and jacket that leaves less and be nude when you take colorcillo in Formentera that I have little to go a little ........ be perfect, I confess !!!!!!! !


And if the red and the jacket was thanks to Cris as I discuss in my previous post the nude has been thanks to Stephanie .


Monday, April 5, 2010

Math Problems With Units Per Mililiter In Heperin


Yes I am super happy and that is that as I discuss in the previous post in this wonderful dress sighed:

and I have it .................. .....

Yes, thanks to Cris. M or as all know her and not what you know not lose the Petite Nymphea wonderful person and wonderful blog, their styles fascinate me and is one of my essential films but TRY you / you own:

No photo is amazing ........ and style as current as navy is left as created for herself.

Not only that, tb. I got:

So ......... I'm so glad spring is red and floreada.Por the dress is amazing ....... this is very well done and as a combined guante.Y jacket with jeans by Pedro Garcia supuestoy with my red that I have more than one event.

From here again !!!!! THANKS CRIS have been my fairy godmother in this search.
